7 Things About Welsh Corgis You Propaw-bly Didn’t Know

From my point of view, It is quite easy to see why the Corgi breed has become one of the most popular breeds these days. Why? They’re compact logs of fur with hearts of gold, they are small but mighty, short but fast. What more is there to love?

I have rusted 7 facts about these guys and in this time, trust me you will smile and look back at your corgi after you finish this post

Origins of the Name “Corgi”

Do you know why people call them is “Corgi” but not the other name like “Cookrgi”? The Corgi name originated from the Welshmen who developed the breed and called them “dwarf dogs” due to their stature. In Welsh, “cor” means dwarf and “gi” means dog

Genetic Relations and Characteristics of Corgis and Siberian Huskies

Corgis are closely related to Siberian Huskies. They are both in the Spitz family of dogs, characterized by their thick fur and pointed ears and muzzle

You can also check out of our Corgi socks and Husky socks, they are the very popular last month!

Surprising Athletic Abilities of a Stocky Breed

Don’t get confused by their stocky build! Corgis are one of the most athletic breeds, thanks to their low center of gravity, which gives them an edge and they can pull you wherever they want, don’t worry, check out this post if whenever going for a walk with them a nightmare! Also, they’ve been known to be shockingly fast runners

P/s: Sometimes I don’t know I’m going for a walk or joining a spin class with my little Corgi! This “spin class” T-shirt also is the one I like to wear the most when we going out together

Understanding the Two Types of Corgis: Cardigans and Pembrokes

OK, this one is my favorite, Do you know corgis evolved into two types, the Cardigan and the Pembroke which weren’t recognized as separate breeds until the 1930s. And what is the difference between Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Cardigan has a tail, Pembroke doesn’t

A Royal Favorite and Your Chance to Feel Like Royalty

Beloved in England, Corgis have been part of the British Royal Family for over 70 years. Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 Corgis since she was a young child, making the breed synonymous with the Royal Family

But trust me, if you also own this Corgi toy simulation, you will become Royal yourself (really!)

Exercise and Healthy Snacking

While Corgis make great house pets, they are known to get heavy if they aren’t regularly exercised. As a Corgi owner, whenever I open a snack, they show up from nowhere and come to me in hungry posture! You can take a look at this Homemade Potato Dog Biscuit, it is easy and good for your dog!

Cherished Companions in Early Welsh Culture

Corgis were prized in early Welsh settlements for their loyalty, herding abilities, and companionship. Laws were put in place which severely penalized thieves of the much-revered pooch, and no family could walk with heads held high if their Corgi wasn’t adept at performing a variety of tricks

Hope this small guide will make you smile. I will keep updated and release more guides for you, remember to subscribe to our newsletter and you will never miss any new guides from us!

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